The MetSuperCap consortium, in cooperation with Emphasis project, published a new paper.
A good electrical representation of a supercapacitor (SC) must include a small network with two or more branches, to calculate the charging, discharging and cycles of a SC with great accuracy.
The point that projects investigated is the following: if one identifies an equivalent circuit, this is it still valid after two days of use or after two weeks of stand-by of the SC? And if so, with what accuracy? Is it accurate enough to be used in a charge control system?
In the paper a method is proposed to combine the repeatability of a trained SC, the measurement accuracy of voltage and current and obtain an evaluation of the uncertainty of the equivalent circuit parameters. The method is general, even if in the paper it is applied to a three-branches equivalent circuit.
The results of this study show that a reliable equivalent circuit model (ECM) can be used to control the charging and discharging of a SC and that it is possible to think of a round robin test with supercapacitors with a limited uncertainty.