Newsletter #1

Newsletter #1

Month 8 – January 2025

Newsletter #1

Kick Off Meeting

The MetSuperCap kick-off meeting took place on 13 June 2024 at INRiM campus in Turin, Italy. This meeting brought together 12 project partners from 7 European countries.

Project objectives, roles, and timelines have been discussed and established during the meeting. A collaborative and cohesive approach will move forward the consortium.

Figure 1 - Different moments in the KoM day of the MetSuperCap project consortium.

Participants expressed enthusiasm about the potential impact of the project. As we move from planning to execution, the MetSuperCap team is committed to delivering innovative solutions and strengthening collaboration across borders. See here to know more.

Joint MetSuperCap-EMPHASIS Workshop

June 12, 2024, the MetSuperCap consortium convened at INRIM, Torino, at INRIM’s historic palace, for a joint workshop with the EMPHASIS consortium.

Emphasis is a project coordinated by our partner Pleione Energy, financed by European Union Horizon Europe Research and Innovation Programme.

With 63 attendees, including industry experts and academics, vibrant interactions and networking characterized the event. See here to know more

Figure 2 - The inauguration of the Joint Workshop, with (from left to right) Prof. Pietro Asinari, INRiM scientific director, Athanasios Masouras, coordinator of the Emphasis project, and Mauro Zucca coordinator of the MetSuperCap project.

MetSuperCap Publishable Summary

The publishable summary is a standalone and self-contained document, that can be read and understood without reading any other documentation from the project. The publishable summary is a public document that explains the key features of the project to a non-specialist audience. It covers the need for the project (why it was needed), the key outputs (what the project wants to achieve), and the wider benefits to society (who is and will be using the outputs).

Conference Presentations

The consortium presented the project and preliminary results at two international conferences and two national conferences.

  • Conference on Precision Electromagnetic Measurements CPEM 2024, 6 – 11 July, Denver, Colorado, USA. The Conference on Precision Electromagnetic Measurements (CPEM) is devoted to topics related to electromagnetic measurements at the highest accuracy levels. These cover the frequency spectrum from dc through the optical region. The project and the preliminary results were presented by Dr. Mauro Zucca and Juan Medved. Here to see more.

  • XXIV IMEKO World Congress “Think Metrology” August 26 − 29, 2024, Hamburg, Germany With participants from over 50 countries, the IMEKO World Congress is a melting pot of innovation, collaboration and cultural exchange under the overarching theme of metrology. At IMEKO the project MetSuperCap has been presented by Dr. Luca Callegaro. Here to see more.

Figure 3 – Conference presentation
  • XXVIII National Meeting of Electrotechnical Researchers (ET2024) held from June 19-21, 2024, Bari, Italy MetSuperCap project and preliminary results were presented in Bari by a young PhD student Melika Hassanzadeh and by the project coordinator. Here to see more.

  • National Congress of Electrical and Electronic Measurements,12-14 September 2024 Garden Tuscany Resort – San Vincenzo (Livorno), Italy MetSuperCap consortium was present in the Forum Nazionale delle Misure, held in San Vincenzo, Italy. The Forum, which serves as Italy’s national congress for electrical and electronic measurements, brought together experts from universities and research institutions across the country. The project was presented by Dr. Alessandro Cultrera.

Project website, Presentations, Publications, News.

The project website is online. You can find the main information and news.

The conference proceedings and publications of the project are updated on this page of the website. Check it every now and then, the site is periodically updated.

The consortium has presented two conference proceedings and a first paper is in press.

Figure 4 – Paper in press

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