The good practice guide for evaluating the uncertainty of electrical parameters (e.g. capacitance, resistance, specific power and energy) in SC testing and characterisation, covering a wide range of SC sizes (1 – 3000 F) developed within the project will enable SCs users, designers and SC manufacturers to simplify the characterisation of SCs and SC banks. A widely-recognised standard procedure associated with a metrological infrastructure providing the traceability for such assessment will provide higher trust to both the customer and the manufacturer.
The methodologies and procedures for the accurate determination of the characteristics of the SCs will improve the reliability and accuracy of these parameters which are crucial for designers and users, especially for more demanding applications, such as space, e-mobility and energy applications. The validation of the methodologies for the use of SCs in real conditions, verified for different types and sizes of SCs, will allow manufacturers of systems using SCs (e.g., for renewables, automotive applications, e-mobility in general) to design more robust technical solutions and better plan predictive maintenance
An ECM validated and verified on a large sample of SCs, for real-time applications, will provide a useful reference for SC manufacturers and provide an additional design parameter. Instrument and SC manufacturers will use the advanced hardware for the characterisation of SCs in pilot lines to improve the accuracy and reliability in parameter assessment, providing better specifications for their products, with consequent benefits also for users and designers.
The rapid techniques for determining the SoC/SoH of SCs can be used by manufacturers of electronic systems that use SCs as power supply units, increasing the reliability of the systems and allowing the successful implementation of predictive maintenance techniques. These techniques are also important for manufacturers of aerospace and e-mobility storage systems. The availability of two large databases, one regarding the characterisation and characteristics of SCs and a second developed regarding the SoC/SoH of SCs could constitute a benchmarking for manufacturers for the development of new products.